The Swim Camp Venue

The Swim Camp Venue
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Sunday, 13 April 2014

Day 2 continued......

Well, after a pretty dull start to our first full day in Fuerteventura, with would you believe it, RAIN!! The afternoon picked up and the sun burnt it's way through the clouds to give us a few hours of much appreciated, canary sunshine! After lunch, we all decided to head off as a group to have a 'reckie' of corralejo, to find out what was in the area.  Everyone donned their sun cream and off we went to find the beach! It took about 20 mins steady walking to find the sea, but it was a pleasant change of scenery.

Everywhere is surprisingly quiet, which is great! We walked past the water park en route to the beach and found out it had only opened today so, fingers crossed, we're going to work on a group deal to have a relaxing fun day there later in the week.  Once we had found our bearings, we headed back to the hotel complex to make sure everyone doused themselves in suncream again, got their bags ready and arrived at the meeting area before hitting the first of 10 two hour training sessions......

1 comment:

Lady P said...

Loving the Blog - what a really good idea. Everyone looks to be having a good time. Didn't take long for the press ups to kick in!