The Swim Camp Venue

The Swim Camp Venue
Click on picture to view accommodation/pool training facilities.......

Thursday, 27 February 2014

Sponsor Opportunity

If anyone knows of anyone who would like to use
this blog as an opportunity to advertise, please let 
us know, any sponsorship would be greatly appreciated
and in return, their company logo and link to their website
will be placed on here, the blog has already been viewed 
over 1100 times and its only been going just over a week! :)


Anyone who still hasn't given Sue a copy of their passport - 
Please can you give a copy to her as soon as possible
(The 3 people who sent off for new ones are outstanding!!)
Thank You......

It's getting warmer!!

Just over a month to go, come on weather!! 

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

43 Days to go! ........


Well done to Wendy on raising a fabulous £60 towards swim camp on Sunday afternoon at Pioneer 79's home Micro League gala, by selling her AMAZING cupcakes!! They were fantastic!!

Thursday, 20 February 2014

Wednesday, 19 February 2014


Important message to all CHAPERONES travelling on Swim Camp. You MUST attend the 'Safeguarding' course at Accrington Academy this Thursday evening (20th Feb) - 6.30-9.30pm, meet in the gym reception area.  Thank you!


Don't forget to buy plenty of sun cream!

Thursday, 13 February 2014

We will have to wait and see if they're able to
See no evil
Hear no evil and
Speak no evil.....
The Swimmers from P79 that will be enduring 20
Hours of pool based training plus land training 
In Fuerteventura during April....


Welcome to Pioneer 79 Swimming Club's Swim Camp 2014 Blog!  This blog has been created primarily for swimmers of Pioneer 79 Swimming Club and parents to keep track of what's happening during the week's swim camp in Fuerteventura.  We aim to keep the blog updated on a daily basis.  Enjoy!